Sunday, December 30, 2007


I spent some time tonight going through my BlogRoll (if you're not familiar with it, I encourage you to scroll down a bit; there's a section there in the right hand sidebar that's called "Blogs I Like." There are some fantastic blogs there).

I don't read every blog, every day. In fact, I don't read many blogs every day. But on occasion, I'll scroll through the various blogs I have listed. Tonight I was doing that, and came across a fantastic post called "If I Kiss You Where It's Sharp" over at 6YearMed.

6YearMed, for those of you who've not read it, is the well-written account of one woman's journey through medical school. I read it often-not because I'm all that interested in medical school (although, I must say, at times it seems interesting), but because Danielle, my favorite med-school student, does a fantastic job of telling her story in a way that seems applicable to the lives of her readers.

I think you'll find that I'm right.

So, hop on over and read the post. You'll like it-I promise!

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