I don't think he's a MyndFood reader. He's far too busy doing boy things like climbing trees; making dog poop and sand soup (no, I've never tried it); riding his "scootow" or his "skatebowd"; playing with his "caws" (he doesn't really play cars; he lines them up in virtual parking lots. I think he might be destined to be either a Valet or a parking structure designer); or playing with (or drawing) guns (if the parking career doesn't work out, he'll likely choose some career requiring ownership of firearms-which scare me to death).
Having spent the last five years living in close proximity, I'm firmly convinced that character is not formed over time. It pre-exists, and is merely uncovered over time.
And so much has been uncovered already within Gentry. He has more character and personality than most educated adults I know.
I pray he never loses it.
I love you Bubs (even though you're not reading this)! Have a wonderfully boyish birthday!
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