I've ordered MyndFood definition cards! I'd like to give you, faithful partakers of this fine mental fare, the opportunity to spread the word. So, if you'd like me to send you a handful of the cards (see below), send me an email (using the link in the right hand sidebar) with your name and address, and I'll mail you some!
Thanks for being such faithful readers! I want you to know that I absolutely LOVE doing this, and it thrills me to know that I'm providing you, my readers, with real food for thought (sometimes, admittedly, it's junkfood-but hey, at least there's a variety, right?).
I like junk food! Thanks.
Its great! I get to sneak this junkfood while I'm on my diet AND I don't gain a pound while "eating" it...
Ok. Wait a second-it's not ALL junkfood! There's got to be some wholesome stuff in there somewhere!
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